Plastic Bags
Keeping a variety of bags in stock for any occasion is always a sensible idea. Bags of all varieties have a life span. From one-time use bags such as sandwich bags to under-bed storage bags, they all need to be replaced at some time or another. They are a classic repeat purchase item, making them an excellent product keep topped up. We carry a wide range of wholesale carrier bags, children’s school lunch bags, storage bags, food storage bags, nappy bags, business travel bags and more, all of which were selected for their great price and saleability. For example, our line of small, large and jumbo patterned shopping bags have a number of different possible uses including storage bag and laundry bag uses. Jumbo storage bags and under-bed storage zip-up bags are great for making the most of limited space at home and are perfect for securely packing away items for going into storage. In the kids’ bag line, our models include school bags, travel bags and lunch bags. All of the favourite cartoon and TV characters are there to make them desirable to as large a potential customer base as possible. From a business supply point of view, we’re happy to be able to offer a good choice of cheap carrier bags for every sort of commercial retailer, from high-quality, long-lasting, multi-use bags to the single-use, disposable type.
Boxes of 2,000 blue vest bags and similar items are particularly popular with all retailers from food outlets to car parts sales. Large sized, clear refugee sacks are also very practical for ensuring recycling is managed properly and protecting against employee theft. Keep in mind that wholesale carrier bags and refuse bags are one the items most often overlooked when retailers are ordering stock.
43 products

Black Bottle Carrier Bags - Case of 1600
Product code: 5B-31775Black Bottle Carrier Bags - Case of 1600.
- Size: 455x215x120mm
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Diamond Extra Heavy Duty Recycled Black Refuse Sacks Bags 50 Roll Pack
Product code: XL-903- Extra Heavy Duty Black Bags
- Pack: 50 Bags on a Roll
- 10 Rolls per Carton
- High quality refuse sacks
- Thick, strong and heavy duty
- Made from 100% Recycled Material
Made in England - Waste Bin Liners Rubbish Garbage Bags
Barcode: 8961100096947
Weight: 1.1 kg
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.
E-lite Style Zipper Seal Food Bags 20 Pack Large
Product code: 4D-2006004E-lite Style Zipper Seal Food Bags 20 Pack Large.
- Food Bags Zipper Seal
- Great protection - whatever you are storing
- Per pack: 20 bags
- Regular Size: 11” x 16” (27.5cm x 40cm)
- Ideal for catering, kitchen, food
- Perfect for storing and protecting foods such as flour, sugar, seeds, coffee, spices
- Protect from pests and oxygen exposure
- 30 Rolls per Case
- Brand E-lite Style
Barcode: 5060026001790, 05060026001790
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Euro Vest Carrier Bags Large Blue 800 Approx
Product code: 5B-31786Euro Vest Carrier Bags Large Blue 800 Approx.
- Vest Carrier Bags Medium Blue
- Dimension: 11" x 17" x 21"
Barcode: 05011929317860
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Laundry Bag Check Design Extra Large
Product code: 6BLaundry Bag Check Design Extra Large.
- 90X80X25
Barcode: 6999959080253
Weight: 0.2 kg
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Laundry Bag Check Design Large
Product code: 6BLaundry Bag Check Design Large.
Barcode: 6999958070255
Weight: 0.2 kg
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.
Poly-Lion Heavy Duty Black Refuse Sacks Bags 20 Roll Pack
Product code: C/o-31859Poly-Lion Heavy Duty Black Refuse Sacks Bags 20 Roll Pack.
- Poly-Lion Heavy Duty Refuse Sacks Bags
- Pack: 20 bags on roll
- 20 packs per case
- Heavy duty black bags
- Perfect for everyday household, catering and outdoor waste
Barcode: 5011929318591
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Queen of Cakes Disposable Dual Piping Icing Bags 10 Pack
Product code: 4D-QC1188Queen of Cakes Disposable Dual Piping Icing Bags 10 Pack.
Barcode: 5053249202174,05053249202181
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Queen of Cakes Disposable Icing Bags 20 Pack
Product code: 4C-QC1117Queen of Cakes Disposable Icing Bags 20 Pack
Barcode: 5050375115798,05050375115811
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Recycled Black Refuse Sacks Bags 200 Case Flat Pack
Product code: 5B-798C
Recycled Black Refuse Sacks Bags 200 Case Flat Pack
- Heavy Duty Black Refuse Sacks Flat Packed
- 200 Case Pack
- Size: 18X29X38"
- Recycled Bags
- Garbage rubbish waste bin liners
Barcode: 05022458008358
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Round House Black Refuse Sacks Bags 20 Roll Pack
Product code: 5B-11099Round House Black Refuse Sacks Bags 20 Roll Pack
Barcode: 5055019711770
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Round House Cling Film 50m x 30cm
Product code: 4B-12171Round House Cling Film 50m x 30cm
Barcode: 5055019711817
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Sealapack Fruit & Vegetable Bags 12 Pack
Product code: 6A-SAP1042ASealapack Fruit & Vegetable Bags 12 Pack.
Barcode: 15050375050317, 5050375116306
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

SealaPack Large Food Bags 200 Pack Roll
Product code: 4D - SAP035ASealaPack Large Food Bags 200 Pack Roll
Barcode: 5053249208985,05053249208992 5053249248806
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Sealapack Value Food Bags 400 Pack
Product code: 6A-SAP034ASealapack Value Food Bags 400 Pack.
Barcode: 5053249248783
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Small Vest Carrier Bags Tulip White
Product code: 5B-WP1Small Vest Carrier Bags Tulip White.
- Vest Carrier Bags Tulip White
- Dimension: 475 x 240 x 150mm
Barcode: 05022458005623
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Blue Rubble Refuse Sacks Bags 32L 7 Pack
Product code: 5B-B0365Tidyz Blue Rubble Refuse Sacks Bags 32L 7 Pack.
- Blue Rubble Sacks
- Size: 7 Pack Roll
- Refuse Sacks Bags
- Blue Refuse Bags Waste Bin Liners Sacks Rubbish Recycled Bags
Barcode: 5025364024580
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Clear Freezer Bags 300 Pack
Product code: 6B-B0557Tidyz Clear Freezer Bags 300 Pack.
- Food Freezer Bags On Roll
- Quantity per roll: 300 bags
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Doggy Bags with Tie Handles 100 Pack
Product code: S2-B0473TidyZ Doggy Bags with Tie Handles 100 Pack.
Barcode: 5025364004735
Weight: 0.95 kg
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Double Zipper Food Bags 30 Pack
Product code: 6A-B0370TidyZ Double Zipper Food Bags 30 Pack.
Barcode: 5025364003707
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Double Zipper Freezer Bags 15 Pack
Product code: 6A-B0369TidyZ Double Zipper Freezer Bags 15 Pack.
Barcode: 5025364003691
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Extra Strong Black Wheelie Bin Bags 10 Pack
Product code: 5B-B0099Tidyz Extra Strong Black Wheelie Bin Bags 10 Pack Roll.
- Wastesmart Extra Strong Black Wheelie Bin Bags
- Pack: 10 Bags on Roll
- Size: 300 Litres
- Extra strong bags, great to keep your wheelie bin clean
- Refuse sacks garbage rubbish liners
Barcode: 5025364000997
Weight: 0.253 kg
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Extra Strong Black Wheelie Bin Bags 5 Pack
Product code: 5B-B0582Tidyz Extra Strong Black Wheelie Bin Bags 5 Pack Roll.
- Wastesmart Extra Strong Black Wheelie Bin Bags
- Pack: 5 Bags on Roll
- Size: 300 Litres
- Extra strong bags will help to keep your wheelie bin clean
- Extra strong bags, great to keep your wheelie bin clean
- Refuse sacks garbage rubbish liners
Barcode: 5025364005824
Weight: 0.253 kg
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Extra Strong Silver Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 50L 10 Pack
Product code: 5C-B0222Tidyz Extra Strong Silver Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 50L 10 Roll Pack
Barcode: 5025364002229
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Extra Thick Black Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 70L 15 Pack
Product code: 6A-B0587ATidyZ Extra Thick Black Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 70L 15 Pack
Barcode: 5025364005879
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Freezer Bags Extra Value 150 Pack
Product code: 6B-B0687TidyZ Freezer Bags Extra Value 150 Pack Roll.
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Freezer Bags XL 100 Pack
Product code: 6B-B0688TidyZ Freezer Bags Extra Large 100 Pack Roll.
Barcode: 5025364006883
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Garden Sacks with Tie Handles 50L 10 Pack
Product code: 5B-B2483Tidyz Garden Sacks with Tie Handles 50L 10 Pack
Barcode: 5025364024832
Weight: 0.253 kg
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Resealable Slide Zip Freezer Bags 12 Pack
Product code: 6A-B0373TidyZ Resealable Slide Zip Freezer Bags 12 Pack.
Barcode: 5025364003738
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Scented Disposable Sanitary Bags 50 Box Pack
Product code: 3L-B0161Tidy Z Fragranced Disposable Sanitary Bags 50 Box Pack
Barcode: 5025364001611
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Scented Doggy Bags 80 Box Pack
Product code: S2-B0663TidyZ Fragranced Doggy Bags 80 Box Pack.
- Pocket pack
Barcode: 5025364005893
Weight: 0.95 kg
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Scented Doggy Bags Tie Handles Extra Strong 100 Box Pack
Product code: S2-B0355TidyZ Fragranced Doggy Bags Tie Handles Extra Strong 100 Box Pack
Barcode: 5025364003554
Weight: 0.95 kg
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Scented Fresh Linen Pedal Bin Liners Tie Handles 15L 20 Pack
Product code: 6B-B0464Tidyz Fragranced Fresh Linen Pedal Bin Liners Tie Handles 15L 20 Pack.
Barcode: 5025364004643
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Scented Fresh Linen Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles 50L 10 Pack
Product code: 6B-B0463Tidyz Fragranced Fresh Linen Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles 50L 10 Pack.
Barcode: 5025364003660
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Scented Pedal Bin Liners Tie Handles Assorted 30 Pack
Product code: 6A-B0169TidyZ Scented Pedal Bin Liners with Tie Handles Assorted Fragrance 30 Pack.
Barcode: 5025364001697
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Scented Strawberry Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles 50L 10 Pack
Product code: 5B-B0037Tidyz Fragranced Strawberry Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles 50L 10 Pack.
Barcode: 5025364000379
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Scented Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles Assorted 50L 15 Pack
Product code: 6A-B0171TidyZ Fragranced Citrus Lemon & Fresh Linen Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles 50L 15 Pack
Barcode: 5025364001710
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Scented Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles Assorted 50L 40 Pack
Product code: 6B-B0351Tidyz Fragranced Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles Assorted 50L 40 Pack.
Barcode: 5025364003516
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Super Strong Black Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 100L 10 Pack
Product code: 5B-B1528ATidyZ Super Strong Black Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 100L 10 Pack Roll
Barcode: 5025364015281
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ Super Strong Black Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 50L 10 Pack
Product code: 5B-B0344TidyZ Super Strong Black Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 50L 10 Pack Roll
Barcode: 5025364002014
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.
TidyZ White Handy Pedal Bin Liners Tie Handles 40 Pack
Product code: 6A-B0065TidyZ White Handy Pedal Bin Liners Tie Handles 40 Pack Roll
Barcode: 5025364000652
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

TidyZ White Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles 50L 20 Pack
Product code: 6B-B0060TidyZ White Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles 50L 20 Pack Roll
Barcode: 5025364000607
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.

Wastesmart Extra Strong Black Wheelie Bin Bags 5 Pack Roll
Product code: 5C-321212Wastesmart Extra Strong Black Wheelie Bin Bags 5 Pack Roll.
- Wastesmart Extra Strong Black Wheelie Bin Bags
- Liners Refuse Sacks
- 6 Pack Roll
- Extra strong bags will help to keep your wheelie bin clean
- Size: 270 Litres
- Dimensions: 230cm rim, 130cm tall
Barcode: 5055566996392
Weight: 0.253 kg
Shipping Destinations
UK Mainland - FREE Delivery over £200 ex VAT*
Republic of Ireland - £18.95 per parcel up to 30 kilos
Northern Ireland - £22.95 per consignment**
Scottish Highlands - £24.95 per consignment**
Isle of Wight - £24.95 per consignment up to 10 kilos
Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles - £30.95 per consignment**
Export Orders / International Deliveries
We also arrange delivery to European and International destinations.
We can arrange bespoke delivery solutions for you on very little notice. We pride our ability to find the most competitive delivery through our large network of delivery partners including national and international couriers, private hires and independents.
Please ensure all contact details are correct when processing your order. A member of our Customer Services team will review your order and be in touch with an accurate delivery cost within 24-48 hours. To ensure no commitment to your order please select Bank Transfer at checkout.
Should you have any further questions please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 or email with details of your order.
For LARGE SAVINGS on delivery costs we recommend Pallet Delivery.
UK Mainland - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£99
Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands, Islands and Isles - pallet delivery costs vary from £29-£149
All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network.
*All our parcels are sent out by DPD typically on a 'Next Day' delivery service which needs to be signed for. All pallets are sent out on The Pallet Network either on the Next Day or Economy service. Please note pallet deliveries incur a delivery charge which is determined by your postcode. Orders below £200 ex VAT to UK Mainland are £9.99. UK Mainland includes England, Scotland & Wales excluding Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland.
**Consignments up to 10 kilos. Two day service.
Paper Products: paper products including kitchen towels and toilet paper - order value below £30 is £9.99, order value above £30 is subject to pallet delivery.
Water Products: Boudica wholesale water orders - FREE pallet delivery is included in the product price.
FREE Local Collection and Delivery Services
Local pickup – COLLECT FOR FREE from MX Wholesale Leicester LE2 7SR
Collect from our business address:
Ashby Emporium, 18 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR, United Kingdom
Orders are typically ready in under 1 hour but before arriving to collect your order please call 0116 2544988 Option 1. Reference your order no. Please bring a form of ID.
For Local Pickup select Delivery method -> Pick up at checkout
We hold with more than 10,000 product lines which you are free to browse when you visit.
Curb side pickup also available. Stay safe.
Local delivery – FREE LOCAL DELIVERY over £250 ex VAT
We deliver locally up to 5 miles from LE2 7SR for FREE !
Please call 0116 2544988 Option 1 on completing your order to arrange a suitable delivery time.
For Local Delivery at checkout select: Delivery method -> Ship -> Local delivery
Same day services also available.
Our Courier of Choice is DPD Local
As an international leader in parcel delivery, DPD Local offers you, our valued customer, a first-class delivery service. DPD Local is devoted to delivering the best parcel service, and we are proud they have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for their unique one hour delivery service. With route optimisation, unbeatable safety protocols and exceptional efficiency we are sure you will be pleased with your delivery service.
Delivery Times
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. DPD Local provides a one hour delivery window on the day of delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
We aim to send out all orders within 24-48 hours of orders being placed and paid unless it is a busy period please allow an additional 7-10 working days. We always aim to keep our stock systems up to date however on some rare occurrences some items may be out of stock. A member of Customer Services will get in touch if there are any issue with your order. If you need to check the availability of items please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1, or make a note in the notes section when processing your order.
If your order is urgent, please email or call 0116 2544 988 Option 1 and we will do our best to accommodate delivery requirements. Specific delivery times and weekend deliveries are available however we cannot guarantee these services.
Order Tracking
A tracking number and web link to the tracking website will automatically be emailed to you on dispatch of your order. DPD will provide you with a one hour delivery window on the day of your delivery so you can carry on with other parts of your day as normal.
Please ensure all contact details provided during checkout are accurate. There is usually an option to change your delivery date also in case something comes up. This will ensure it is as easy as possible for you, our valued customer, to receive your delivery when it is most convenient. We work closely with DPD to be able to provide you with the most convenient delivery.
Please note tracking is not available on pallet deliveries or private courier options. We can of course provide guidance please email with your order number for more information.
Claims, Shortages and Damages
Please note all claims must be processed with in writing by email or post. Please do not ask Customer Services to process any claims, shortages or damages over the telephone.
Damages: Whilst every effort is made to ensure you receive your goods in perfect condition, in a small number of cases damages can occur during transit. Any signs of damage MUST be noted whilst the driver is present, and you must inform us and sign for the goods as 'damaged' straightaway. We cannot process claims where it has been signed for without comment or as 'unchecked'. For pallets, if there is significant damage to the goods you can refuse delivery, but please contact us first. For both cases please ensure to take photographic evidence.
Shortages: All deliveries are accompanied by an invoice (unless you are a drop shipping customer and have specifically requested no invoice with goods). Please check deliveries to this invoice and not your original web order as occasionally some items may sell out or be discontinued between the time of you placing your order and it being dispatched. If goods appear on your original order but not on the invoice received with the goods, then they are out of stock and will have to be re-ordered at a later date when they are available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You will only ever be charged for what we dispatch. If you cannot find this invoice please contact us and we will supply a copy (please ensure you have checked thoroughly before requesting a new copy, including inside the cardboard flaps of all the boxes or attached to the exterior wrap on pallets).
If after you have received your order and checked it to the invoice with it, you still believe items are not present or damaged please contact us in writing within 3 working days from the date of delivery.